Tuberculosis prevention and treatment, Pathogenesis of tuberculosis, tuberculosis immunity
中华医学会结核病学分会互联网专委会 委员
Member of Internet Special Committee of tuberculosis Branch of Chinese Medical Association
中国医疗保健国际交流促进会结核病学分会 委员
Member of tuberculosis Branch of China Association for the Promotion of International Exchange of Health Care
上海市医学会结核病分会 青年委员
Young member of tuberculosis Branch of Shanghai Medical Association
上海市抗癌协会分子靶向与免疫治疗专业委员会 委员
Member of the Molecular Targeting and Immunotherapy Professional Committee of Shanghai Anti Cancer Association
上海市医院协会医疗保险管理专业委员会 副主任委员
Vice Chairman of the Medical Insurance Management Professional Committee of Shanghai Hospital Association
Hosted 3 research projects at the bureau level,as the main person in charge, participated in 3 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Shanghai Municipal Science Commission.Published over 10 papers as corresponding author or first author, including 6 SCI indexed papers. Received the Chinese Medical Association Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award for Health Management and the third prize of Shanghai Hospital Management Innovation Award.