Distinguished Research Fellow of the Tongji University Institute for Advanced Study
Principle Investigator of the Laboratory of Mental Health Research in Tongji University School of Medicine
Adjunct Professor in Shanghai Pudong New Area Mental Health Center
主要研究方向是精神疾病与重大躯体疾病、慢性病(心血管疾病、认知功能障碍、肿瘤、免疫与炎症、神经退行性疾病等)的交叉流行病学研究,探索遗传和环境对疾病发生发展的交互作用及潜在机制研究,在健康大数据的整合、应用、处理复杂医疗数据分析等方面积累了丰富经验。论文均发表于SCI期刊,其中原创性研究成果以第一作者/通讯作者(含共同)发表于British Medical Journal, JAMA Psychiatry, Nature Communications, Lancet Regional Health-Europe, eLife, eClinicalMedicine, Breast Cancer Research, BMC Cancer等国际权威杂志,并担任British Medical Journal, European Heart Journal, JAMA Network Open, BMC Cancer, BMC Psychiatry等多个国际学术期刊审稿人。担任国际期刊BMC Public Health杂志编委。 Over the years I have been working on the interdisciplinary epidemiological research of mental illness and somatic diseases (incl. cardiovascular disease, cognitive dysfunction, tumors, immunity and inflammation, neurodegenerative disease, etc.), assessing the risk factors and development of diseases, as well as exploring the interaction and potential mechanisms from the social, genetic and environmental perspectives. I have rich experience in the integration and processing of complex medical data, and have published several scientific papers, with the original research published in British Medical Journal, JAMA Psychiatry, Nature Communications, Lancet Regional Health-Europe, eLife, eClinicalMedicine, Breast Cancer Research, BMC Cancer, etc., as the first author/corresponding author (incl. co-author). I have served as a Reviewer for a list of distinguished journals, such as the British Medical Journal, European Heart Journal, JAMA Network Open, BMC Cancer, BMC Psychiatry, and so on. I also served as an Editorial Board Member for BMC Public Health.