肿瘤发生及免疫应答的分子细胞信号机制Mechanism of Tumorigenesis and Related Immune Response
国家基金委杰青,细胞生物学国家重点实验室研究员,中科院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心特聘研究员。Frontiers in Immunology、Cell Stress等国际学术期刊编辑。上海市生物物理学会理事,上海市生物工程学会理事。九三学社社员,上海市徐汇区人大代表。
周兆才教授长期研究胃肠道稳态与疾病特别是肿瘤发生及免疫应答的分子细胞信号机制。迄今已在Cancer Cell、Nature Immunology、Journal of Experimental Medicine、Nature Communications、EMBO Journal、Cell Research、Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences等国际知名学术期刊发表原创性研究论文60余篇,被引用1200余次,单篇引用最高200余次,参与编写英文专著1部,申请发明专利9项。近五年来,重点研究了Hippo信号通路及相关分子网络调控胃肠道肿瘤发生及免疫应答的机制与功能,取得了一系列重要突破,发现了多个可用于胃癌、结肠癌等恶性肿瘤以及感染性疾病的诊断标志物和潜在药物,成果被Cell、Nature Reviews Cancer、Nature China、Science Signaling、F1000Prime评价和推荐,多次应邀为Oncogene等学术期刊撰写综述,为国际学术会议做大会及分会报告,为Nature Cell Biology、Cell Research等国际知名学术期刊审稿。代表性工作主要包括:系统阐释Hippo通路的核内调控机制及与其他信号通路互作调控胃肠道肿瘤的功能作用,首次鉴定YAP在细胞核内的天然拮抗分子与激活分子,开创性地设计发展靶向YAP的治疗性多肽抑制剂,发现一批诊疗标志物,并提出个性化诊疗策略;深入揭示调控肿瘤相关炎症反应及抗病毒免疫的动态信号机制。未来将重点聚焦胃肠道干细胞与免疫微环境互作调控组织稳态与肿瘤发生的功能与机制,进一步交叉整合结构生物学、细胞信号转导、类器官、小鼠模型、临床样本、多肽药物设计等多个方面,揭示胃肠道稳态的调控规律,发现相关疾病的诊疗标志物,提出创新性的诊疗策略,获得靶向药物原型。 Prof Zhaocai Zhou has been focusing on the mechanisms of gastrointestinal tumorigenesis to dissect the behind signaling pathways and networks, and thus discover new biomarkers, drug targets and therapeutic strategies. In this regard, he has made a series of achievements and published 60 plus SCI-indexed papers with over 1000 citations. His most representative work include: Discover mechanism of Hippo signaling in gastric cancer and develop new biomarkers and therapeutic peptide for personalized treatment of gastric cancer (Cancer Cell, 2014); Discover crosstalk mechanism of Hippo-Wnt signaling pathways in colorectal cancer and new drug target (Nature Communications, 2016); Define a new mechanism of TLR-TRAF6 signaling in regulation of macrophage-mediated inflammation (Nature Immunology, 2015); Characterize a complex interplay between the Hippo pathway and innate antiviral responses (Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2018); Define a new mechanism of RIG-I signaling in antiviral immune response (EMBO J, 2015). These studies were highlighted, commented and recommended by Nat Rev Cancer, Sci Signal, and F1000Prime, Meanwhile, he was invited not only to write review papers for international journal such as Oncogene, but also to give plenary speech on international conference. Thus his work has generated international impacts in the field.