1. 肿瘤微环境精准检测Accurate detection of TME (tumor microenvironment)2. 慢性疾病早期诊断Early diagnosis of chronic diseases3. 纳米材料生物应用Biomedical application of nanomaterials
曾在ACS Catalysis、Chemical Engineering Journal、Biosensors and bioelectronics 等期刊发表文章25篇,其中以第一/通讯作者发表论文11篇,3篇高被引论文,累计1600+次,三篇论文入选高被引论文,H index 15,担任Coordination Chemistry Reviews等期刊审稿人。近五年来主要代表论文如下:
1. Tengbo Zhang#, Yaxu Li #, Yanrong Yang#, Linjun Weng, Zhiqiang Wu, Jiali Zhu, Jieling Qin⁎, Qi Liu⁎, Ping Wang⁎. iCRISEE: an integrative analysis of CRISPR screen by reducing false positive hits. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 00, 1–8
2. Xiao Han, Yang Li, Ying Zhou, Zeyu Song, Yulin Deng, Jieling Qin⁎, Zhenqi Jiang⁎. Metal-organic frameworks-derived bimetallic nanozyme platform enhances cytotoxic effect of photodynamic therapy in hypoxic cancer cells, Materials and Design 204 (2021) 109646
3. Xiao Han, Zeyu Song, Ying Zhou, Yujing Zhang, Yulin Deng, Jieling Qin⁎, Tao Zhang⁎, Zhenqi Jiang⁎. Mitochondria-targeted high-load sound-sensitive micelles for sonodynamic therapy to treat triple-negative breast cancer and inhibit metastasis, Materials Science and Engineering C 124 (2021) 112054
4. Jia Wang#, Zezhi Shan#, Xiao Tan, Xinxiang Li*, Zhenqi Jiang*, Jieling Qin*. Preparation of Graphene Oxide (GO) /Lanthanum Coordination Polymers for the Enhancement of the Bactericidal Activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2021,9, 366-372
5. Zeyu Song, Ying Zhou, Xiao Han, Jieling Qin*, Xiaoying Tang*. Recent advances in enzymeless-based electrochemical sensors to diagnose neurodegenerative diseases. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2021,9, 1175-1188
6. Zezhi Shan#, Yanrong Yang#, Haoran Shi, Jiali Zhu, Xiao Tan, Yi Luan, Zhenqi Jiang*, Ping Wang*, Jieling Qin*, Hollow Dodecahedra Graphene oxide- Cuprous oxide Nanocomposites with Effective Photocatalytic and Bactericidal Activity, Frontiers in Chemistry
7. Jieling Qin, Soochan Kim, Misuk Cho* and Youngkwan Lee*. Hierarchical and ultra-sensitive amyloid beta oligomer sensor for practical applications. Chemical Engineering Journal.401 (2020) 126055
8. Jieling Qin, Dong Gyu Jo, Misuk Cho* and Youngkwan Lee*. Monitoring of early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease using cellular prion protein and poly (pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid) modified electrode. Biosensors and bioelectronics 113 (2018) 82-87
9. Jieling Qin, Misuk Cho* and Youngkwan Lee*. Ferrocene- encapsulated Zn zeolitic imidazole framework (ZIF-8) for optical and electrochemical sensing of amyloid-β oligomer and for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019) 11743-11748
10. Jieling Qin, Jin Su Park, Misuk Cho* and Youngkwan Lee*. Curcumin-based electrochemical sensor of amyloid-β oligomer for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 273 (2018) 1593-1599
11. Jieling Qin, Misuk Cho* and Youngkwan Lee*. Ultrasensitive Detection of Amyloid-β Using Cellular Prion Protein on the Highly Conductive Au Nanoparticles-Poly (3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene)-Poly(thiophene-3-acetic acid) Composite Electrode. Analytical Chemistry 2019,91,17,11259-11265 二.项目
1. 2021.10-2024.09,主持,无酶电化学传感器在阿尔茨海默症早诊中的应用,医学创新专项 面上项目,21Y11905800,上海市科学技术委员会
2. 2021.01-2023.12,主持,电化学检测具核梭杆菌在结直肠癌诊断和预后中的应用,青基,82003150,国家自然科学基金委员会
3. 2020.07-2023.06,主持,高灵敏度电化学液体活检的设计及其在结直肠癌临床诊疗指导中的应用,上海市青年科技英才“扬帆计划”,20YF1453400, 上海市科学技术委员会
4. 2021.01-2023.12,主持,电化学传感器的设计及其在结直肠癌诊断和临床治疗中的应用,上海高校青年科研骨干培养计划“晨光计划”,20CG25,上海市教育委员会
5. 2021.01-2023.12,主持,生物传感器在结直肠癌液体活检中的研发与应用,攀登人才计划,2021SYPDRC008,市部级青年人才计划
6. 2021.01-2024.12,主持,国家自然面上培育项目,基于电化学检测研究运动诱导的代谢物对结直肠癌的影响,上海市第十人民医院 三.专利
1. 秦洁玲,王平,谭笑,一种高灵敏生物传感器及其制作方法与应用,实质审查阶段,专利申请号202011252047.9.
2. 王平,秦洁玲,王佳,基于免疫组化空间电化学检测样品中抗原含量的方法,授权,专利申请号202011069520.X
3. 秦洁玲,杨小飞,李荣,李扬,一种银-氧化石墨烯-氮化碳复合光催化材料及其制备方法,发明专利,已授权,授权公告日2018-01-16,授权号ZL201410621933.2