中国抗癌协会肿瘤微环境专业委员会 青年委员 (Young member, The Society of Tumor Microenvironment, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association)
AME出版社编辑 (Editor, AME)
《iMeta》、《Advanced Biology》和《Military Medical Research》编委 (Editorial Board Member, iMeta, Advanced Biology and Military Medical Research)
主要从事肿瘤宏环境的基础及临床转化研究。代表性研究成果包括:1)卡路里限制模拟物延缓衰老相关进程,提高机体免疫监视功能,促进T细胞为主的抗肿瘤免疫应答反应;2)利用单细胞-空间组学定义了新型巨噬细胞亚型——脂质相关巨噬细胞,并阐述了其在乳腺癌发生发展中的作用机制;3)系统描述了乳腺癌起源,并建立了基于起源特征的、全新的乳腺癌分子分型,开发了靶向治疗及联合用药的方案。致力于饮食、运动与衰老等病理生理状态下,菌群-代谢-免疫复杂网络在肿瘤进展中的作用,研究成果相继在Signal Transduct Target Ther、J Hematol Oncol、J Immunother Cancer、Cancer Communications、Autophagy等领域内知名期刊发表。
Metabolic reprogramming in tumour-immune interactions is emerging as a key factor affecting pro-inflammatory carcinogenic effects and anticancer immune responses. Therefore, dysregulated metabolites and their regulators affect both cancer progression and therapeutic response. Our purpose is to describe the molecular mechanisms through which microenvironmental, systemic and microbial metabolites potentially influence the host immune response to mediate malignant progression and therapeutic intervention. The major aims are to decipher the primary interplaying factors that constitute metabolism, immunological reactions and cancer with a focus on mechanistic aspects. Finally, we aim to develop the possibility of metabolic interventions at multiple levels to enhance the efficacy of immunotherapeutic and conventional approaches for future antineoplastic treatments.