施裕丰教授在细胞和肿瘤生物学研究领域造诣深厚。作为第一作者在Nature、Cell、Nature Immunology等顶级权威杂志上发表代表性论文多篇,总影响因子超过100。申请1项国际发明专利。曾以共同主持人身份主持1项美国纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心药物研究项目,参与2 项美国国家健康研究院(NIH)研究项目和3 项德克萨斯州肿瘤研究院项目。其工作成果曾获得全国百篇优秀论文、中国科学院百篇和谈家桢基金生命科学九源奖学金等一系列奖项。
Professor Shi is an expert in cell and cancer biology. He as the first author has published multiple papers on Nature, Cell, Nature Immunology, and Molecular Cell Biology with total impact factor more than 100. Professor Shi has an international patent for an antitumor small molecule. He was the co-investigator in a funding granted by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for drug development, and also participated in 2 NIH and 3 State research grants. He received multiple awards including One of the One Hundred Best PhD Thesis in China, One of the Fifty Excellent Doctoral Thesis in Chinese Academy of Science, BHP Billiton Scholarship of GUCAS, and Jiuyuan Scholarship of Tanjiazhen Fund Fudan University et. al..