中华医学会呼吸病分会委员兼间质病学组副组长(2004-2020)、中国医师协会呼吸医师分会间质病工作委员会副主任委员、华东地区间质病协作组组长、美国 ACCP 资深会员(FCCP)及ATS 会员、上海市医学会呼吸病学分会副主任委员兼间质病学组组长(2003-2020);
Director of Dept. Of Respiratory Medicine in Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital. Initiator of the Clinical Center for Complicated Pulmonary Diseases in Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Chief of The Key Department of Chinese National Ministry of Health;
The member of Chinese Society of Respiratory Diseases, Vice Chair of ILD group of Chinese Society of Respiratory Diseases; Vice Chair of Shanghai Academy of Respiratory Diseases; Chairperson of group of ILD of Shanghai Academy of Pulmonary Diseases and the Chairperson of Huadong Cooperation Group of ILD study. the Fellow of ACCP (FCCP) and ATS member. The editor for CHEST(Chinese Version), Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine, International Journal of Respiration, Chinese Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Reviwer for National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Original Creation of a novel steroid targeting lung tissue,a set of rehabilitation exercise for the patients with interstitial lung diseases(ILD) and lung fibrosis staging system by artificial intelligence. Established an analysis system and clinical route for differential diagnosis of ILD. Created sets of new ways for differential diagnosis between sarcoidosis and sputum negative tuberculosis, elevated the correct diagnosis over 74%. Established a general therapeutic method majorly with Azithromycin for diffuse panbronchiolitis(DPB) and the patients’s 5 year survival reached 95%. Application for patent of invention over 10 (there are 4 international patents of them) and got 6 authorization,got two of copyright registration. Published over 160 pieces of scientific paper as corresponding & first author. Got 6 grants from Natural Science Foundation of China, in charge of the item “The Key Department of Chinese National Ministry of Health”, accumulated funding over 20 million. Publication of two books as chief editor.