支气管扩张症的临床和转化医学研究。截至目前,以第一、共同第一、通讯作者在Am J Respir Crit Care Med, Eur Respir J, Chest等呼吸领域主流杂志发表SCI论文40余篇,论文总引用超过1500次,其中7篇论文被国际指南证明引用。曾获邀在2020年欧洲呼吸病学年会和世界支气管扩张大会做口头发言。2020年获欧洲呼吸病学会“Young Scientist Sponsorship”奖;2021年获“上海市浦江人才”,先后主持国家自然科学基金2项。
His research interest is in bronchiectasis by clinical and translational approaches. Until July 2023, he has published more than 40 high-impact SCI papers as first, co-first or corresponding authors in the field of respiratory medicine, including Am J Respir Crit Care Med, Eur Respir J, Chest et al, of which has been cited more than 1500 times and seven articles has been cited by international guidelines. He has been invited to give oral presentations in 2020 ERS Conference and the Fourth World Bronchiectasis Conference. And he was awarded “Young Scientist Sponsor ship” by European Respiratory Society in 2020, and Shanghai Pujiang Program in 2021. He has been responsible for two National Natural Science Foundation of China.