Basic and Clinical Practice of Nuclear Medicine: PET/CT and PET/MR Molecular Imaging
Director of Department of the Nuclear Medicine, Director of the General Teaching and Research Office of Diagnostic Medicine and Nuclear Medicine, Director of the Cardiovascular Imaging Center
Standing Committee Member of the Nuclear Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association and Head of the PET Group (2023 present, 2011-2018), Head of the Oncology Group (2018-2023), Vice Chairman of the PET/MR Working Committee (2015 present), Vice Chairman of the Nuclear Medicine Branch of the Chinese Nuclear Society, Vice Chairman of the Nuclear Medicine Special Committee of the Shanghai Medical Association, Vice Chairman of the Nuclear Medicine Physician Branch of the Shanghai Medical Doctor Association. Executive Editorial Board Member of the Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, and Deputy Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Radiological Medicine and Nuclear Medicine
In 1995, Dr. Zhao Jun began to engage in PET clinical application and research. More than 80 papers in SCI and core journals were published by first author and corresponding author. He has received 3 general projects of National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and other grants from Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality and IAEA. He won the third prize of Chinese Medical Association science and technology Award and the second prize of science and technology progress award of the Ministry of Education. He organized and/or participated in PET technical specification and clinical application guidelines of CSNM. He participated in the compilation of the Clinical Guide to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2010, 2015 and 2020. He participated in the eight-year program and postgraduate Nuclear Medicine Textbook published by the People’s Medical Publishing House.