上海市肺科医院胸外科 主治医师
(Attending Surgeon, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital)
欧洲胸外科协会 青年会员
(Young member of European Society of Thoracic Surgery)
陈健,上海交大博士,胸外科主治医师,硕士生导师。上海市科技启明星、上海市“医苑新星”青年医学人才,美国佐治亚大学访问学者。主持国家及市级课题5项,在研课题经费约一百万。近5年以一作及共通讯在Genome Biology(IF=17.90)、Oncogene等高水平杂志发表8篇SCI论文,相关成果被Cell、Nature review等权威杂志引用。国内外学术会议特邀报告4次,获得欧洲胸外科医师协会Travel Grant 和JACS Award。年手术量过千台,着重于微创手术治疗肺癌为主的胸部肿瘤,及各类胸外科疾病,尤其在个性化精准治疗领域,通过围术期综合手段,为患者争取最优治疗效果。
Chen Jian, received a doctoral degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University, is an attending surgeon of thoracic surgery, who has been selected as one of the "Rising Star" Plan of Shanghai Municipal Science Committee and Health Commission Youth Development Program, and was also a visiting scholar at the University of Georgia. He Presided over 5 national and municipal projects, and the total research project funding is about 1 million. In the past 5 years, he has published 8 SCI papers in high-level journals such as Genome Biology (IF=17.90) and Oncogene as the first author and co-correspondence author. The related achievements have been cited by authoritative journals such as Cell and Nature review. He has given 4 invited lectures at domestic and foreign academic conferences. He had won the Travel Grant and JACS Award of the European Association of Thoracic Surgeons. He operated thoracic surgery over 1,000 cases per year, especially focusing on minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of lung cancer and various thoracic surgical diseases.