长期从事急诊危重症诊治工作,尤其是脓毒症以及脓毒性休克的诊治方面,有丰富的临床经验。主持上海市自然科学基金一项,参与多项国家自然基金项目,完成国自然面上项目一项(第二申请人),上海市卫健委课题一项(第二申请人),区级课题一项(主持),近5年以第一或通讯作者在J MATER CHEM A(IF: 10.66)、SMALL(IF: 9.69)等杂志上发表论文(会议论文除外)10余篇,总影响因子33.18分,中文核心2篇,在SMALL杂志上的论文被作为杂志封面发表 。2016年6月至2017年7月,参加上海市组团式医疗援藏工作,挂职日喀则市人民医院急诊科副主任(主持工作)。获得“优秀共产党党员”,“优秀援藏工作者”,“脱贫攻坚优秀个人”等称号。
I have long been engaged in emergency critical care diagnosis and treatment, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis and septic shock, and have rich clinical experience. I have presided over a project of the Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, and participated in several projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, completed a project of the National Natural Science Foundation (the second applicant), a project of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission (the second applicant), and a district-level project One (host). I have published more than 10 papers in J MATER CHEM A (IF: 10.66), SMALL (IF: 9.69) and other journals as the first author or corresponding author in the past 5 years. The total impact factor reached 33.18 points. The papers in the SMALL journal are published as the cover of the journal. I have also published two paper in Chinese core periodicals. From June 2016 to July 2017, I have participated in the Shanghai group medical aid to Tibet, and served as the deputy director of the emergency department of Shigatse People