Tongji University School of Medicine


  • NAME:Li, Siguang
  • OFFICE LOCATION: School of Medicine, Tongji University,1239 Siping Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai
  • KEY WORDS: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
  • CONTACT INFO: Tel:021-65982382;

The laboratory has perfect scientific research conditions, and there has been established the tracer platform in the body of differentiation of neural stem cells and liver stem cell lineages, single cell sequencing and bioinformatics analysis, and regeneration of neurovascular unit analysis and so on. The research of the laboratory has been supported by the National Key Basic Research Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, which provides good support for researchers and students to explore the mysteries of life

Education Background

1985 Bachelor of Biology, Jiangxi University

1987 Master of animal physiology and Biochemistry, Jiangxi Agricultural University

2004 Ph. D. in biochemistry and molecular biology, Sun Yet-Sen University

2006-2008 Post-doctoral, NIH

Positions Held

1987-2010 Assistant(1987), Lecture(1991), Vice Professor(1996), Professor(1997), School of Life Science, Nanchang University

2008-2009 Senior research fellow, Research Center in China of GSK

2010-present Professor, Tongji University School of Medicine

1. Molecular mechanism for the maintenance, activation, increment, migration and differentiation of tissue stem cells

Now, Molecular mechanism for the maintenance, activation, increment, migration and differentiation of tissue stem cells is not clear, and it’s a great challenge for identification in the body and analyze the molecular characteristic of neural cells and tracer of differentiation lineage of neural stem cells because the number of neural stem cells is scarce. We revealed expression profiles of resting neural stem cells, activated neural stem cells and differentiated neurons in the ependymal region and analyzed the activation of signal pathway of neural stem cell by studying the neural stem cells in the neurogenic region of the forebrain of adult mice, using single cell transcriptome analysis technique and weighted gene co-expression network analysis technique.

2. Mechanism of repairing tissue injury and promoting tissue regeneration by stem cells of endogenous tissue

Because neurons are not capable of regenerating themselves, how to achieve repair and regeneration after central nervous system injury is a huge problem faced modern life science research and medical clinical practice. So far, studies have shown that adult neurogenesis mainly exists in two narrow regions of the brain: the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricle and the subgranular area of the dentate gyrus (SGZ). But we found that there were abundant neural stem cells in the ependymal region of the central nervous system except SVZ and SGZ. These cells are activated under the action of VEGF and FGF, then reach the injury site and they differentiate into neurons and glial cells in the site. This finding provides a scientific basis for the intervention of endogenous neural stem cells to repair nerve damage by exogenous interventions.

3. Bioinformatics analysis of high-throughput sequencing data

Single cell sequencing and high-throughput sequencing data analysis are important means to study the regeneration, activation, value added, migration and differentiation of tissue stem cells, and we have set up an analysis platform for big data based on single cell transcriptome, and we will develop a new single cell high-throughput data analysis platform, using these analysis platforms to analyze the mechanism of stem cell mobilization and stem cell involvement in tissue damage repair

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